What is a commodity code?
A commodity code is a classification system that identifies, by categories, the primary services or products offered by a company.
How do I choose commodities for my Vendor Profile?
Start with the categorical tables that list all the commodities within that topic. Choose a category or categories that describes what you sell. Then select the commodities which best describe the goods and services you provide.
How do I change my password?
To change your password,
Click Here, and enter your Federal Tax ID Number, you will be prompted to enter your security question and if successful, you will be able to enter a new password.
What do I do if I can't remember my password?
If you cannot remember your password,
Click Here, and enter your Federal Tax ID Number. You will be prompted to enter your security question and if successful, you will be able to enter a new password.
What is a Security Question/Answer?
A Security Question/Answer is a question and answer that you provide as part of the vendor registration which is specifically unique to you and your password. The Security Answer is a way to verify who you are when you are using the Forgotten Login process. The Security Answer is case sensitive and should be a statement that would not be available or known to others outside of your company. Its purpose is to protect you from someone else accessing your vendor profile.
I have registered on CAMM NET. However, I have not received any bid notices? Why?
Solicitation notices will be sent via e-mail to vendors whose commodity codes match the solicitation's associated commodity or service codes. If you are registered, but haven't received any bid notices, the Authority has not issued any solicitations with your commodity codes. To update your profile's commodity listing, login and select Edit Profile from the registration status dropdown at the top of any CAMM NET page.
Can I update my CAMM NET Company profile if something has changed?
Yes. To update your Company’s vendor profile, login to CAMM NET. Once logged in, click the down arrow at the right of “Logged in as: ” at the top of your screen and select “Edit Profile”.
It is the responsibility of the vendor to keep its company profile updated within the CAMM NET system.
What is a solicitation?
A solicitation is the request or invitation by OCTA to vendors registered within a specific commodity code(s) asking them to submit a bid/offer to perform a particular work or service.
Will OCTA post all solicitations on the CAMM NET?
Yes, all solicitations will be posted on CAMM NET. Only procurements whose dollar values are $50,000 or less will be available for online bidding. Procurements over $50,000 will be posted here on CAMM NET and solicitation documents will be available to download.
How do I know when a solicitation is posted on CAMM NET?
Solicitations are posted on CAMM NET and vendors whose commodity codes match the solicitation's associated commodity or service, will be automatically notified by e-mail of the posting.
Can I change my quote/bid once I've submitted it?
Yes, you may change your quote/bid and resubmit it as often as you wish prior to the closing deadline stated on the solicitation. Once the closing date and time occurs, the last bid you submitted will be locked in the system and can only be retrieved by the Contract Administrator upon opening quotes/bids.
How can I obtain a copy of an RFP?
To obtain a copy of an RFP, register on CAMM NET and then you will be able to download it.
How do I obtain an addendum to the solicitation package?
Addenda notices to solicitations are sent via e-mail to all registered companies whose vendor profile includes commodity codes applicable to the solicitation.
If I am not awarded a procurement and want to know who won the award, how can I get this information?
OCTA will post in CAMM NET information regarding the company that was awarded the contract or purchase order. In addition, you will be able to view the award price. Recent awards are shown in the Awards section of CAMM NET. Click on the Awards icon at the top of any CAMM NET page to view recent awards.
What is the estimated procurement lead time for an RFP?
Acquisition time varies with the complexity and dollar value of the expected contract. Generally, it takes approximately 4 months to award a contract once it is advertised.
Does OCTA disclose the budget in the RFP?
Budget information is sometimes, but not always provided in the RFP and in the IFB.
Does OCTA provide a breakdown of the engineers construction cost estimates?
OCTA does not provide a breakdown of the construction cost estimates. We provide the engineers estimate of the total cost in the RFP.
How are the weights for the evaluation criterion established?
The determination of the weights for each evaluation criterion is on a case by case basis for each project. Prior to the release of the RFP, the Project Manager and Contract Administrator will determine which criterion is more/less significant and then assign the proper weight to each.
Can I get a phone list of the Contract Administrators in CAMM?
A Phone list of CAMM Contract Administrators and Buyers can be found by clicking on the Contact Us icon at the top of any CAMM NET page.
What do we need to do to improve our chances of submitting a successful bid?
Attend pre-proposals/pre-bid conferences and public bid openings. Thoroughly review the IFB/RFP requirements, submit your bid or proposal on time, and request debriefings.
Do construction projects use "prevailing wage"?
Construction projects do have prevailing wage requirements.
What will be the benefits to OCTA and vendors using CAMM NET?
Both OCTA and vendors will save time, money and paperwork by using CAMM NET. Vendors will be able to access the system at their convenience, making OCTA's procurement process a 24-hour operation.
Is there a phone number or fax I can contact for help?
OCTA has made every effort to make this online procurement system as user friendly as possible. For additional questions regarding CAMM NET, please call (714) 560-5922 or e-mail us at