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  • ALERT: OCTAGOV.NET is Not A Legitimate Orange County Transportation Authority Email

    Be advised that fraudulent emails are being sent from “OCTAGOV.NET”. These emails are not from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) and should be deleted immediately. Do not click any links or reply to emails from “OCTAGOV.NET”.
  • CURRENT AND NEWLY AWARDED VENDORS are invited to enroll in OCTA’S Automated Clearing House (ACH) Program

    To enroll in OCTA's ACH program click here. Complete the form as directed, and if you should have any questions please contact AP at 877-AP ACH or 877-272-7224 for further assistance.
Date Time TitleDescription
07-30-2024 02:00 PM PT Meet the DBE Specialist

Email requests for more information and/or how to participate in this event at meetDBE@octa.net.
The program offers one-on-one training on networking with Primes for potential partnership in pursuit of upcoming projects and DBE Outreach, the many resources on CAMM Net including vendor training videos, upcoming workshops and conferences, reference materials and our DBE Program. The vendor may also discuss how to navigate the DBE requirements on Federally Funded procurements. Meetings are available at 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:00 PM
08-06-2024 02:00 PM PT Meet the Contract Administrator/Buyer

Email requests for more information and/or how to participate in this event at mcabuyer@octa.net.
Provides vendors online communication with OCTA procurement staff through the Contracts Administration and Materials Management (CAMM) department. The program offers one-on-one training on how to do business with OCTA highlighting the many resources on CAMM Net including vendor training videos, online networking opportunities, upcoming workshops and conferences, reference materials and our DBE Program. The vendor may also discuss their company’s products and services with OCTA and how to maximize their opportunities.
JULY 26, 2024 THROUGH AUGUST 2, 2024
Date Time Event Solicitation # Title
07-29-2024 12 Midnight PT Response to Questions 42241 Construction Management Support Services for State Route 57 Northbound Improvement Project between Orangewood Avenue and Katella Avenue
07-29-2024 12 Midnight PT Response to Questions 42285 Federal Legislative Advocacy and Consulting Services
07-29-2024 12 Midnight PT Bids Due 42399 BIG BUS PARTS - MISC
07-29-2024 12 Midnight PT Bids Due 42400 BIG BUS PARTS - MISC
07-30-2024 05:00 PM PT Questions Due 42296 Videography Services for Bike and Pedestrian Safety
07-30-2024 TBD Interviews 42249 Pavement Management On-Call Consultant Services
07-30-2024 12 Midnight PT Response to Questions 42258 Paratransit and Microtransit Software
08-01-2024 12 Midnight PT Response to Questions 42296 Videography Services for Bike and Pedestrian Safety
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